The Busy Bird

"I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us." Romans 8:18

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Here I am, God. What’s next?

Today is my last day of my first week as a stay-at-home mom (SAHM from here on out in this post). That’s right. I’ve crossed over and am now a SAHM. I consider it a huge blessing. We have relied on God to meet a lot of our needs and He has, as always, came through. My husband has been blessed with a job with the state’s department of corrections which has enabled me to stay home. There were other reasons for me to quit my job (a sitter was getting too pricey) so we opted for me to just be the sole caregiver. And in this new stage of life, I’m learning things about myself and where I go from here.

First and foremost, my duties are to take care of my husband, children, and home. I want to live my life much like the woman in Proverbs 31 (see previous post). I want to care for my husband and children in a way that I haven’t been able to before due to working outside the home. I know God has blessed me with a husband and children to fulfill my Biblical role as a woman. But even more than that, I feel God pulling me to do more. The only issue is, what is it that He is calling me to do?

Now that I am home and have a schedule somewhat in place, I begin each day at six AM with a cup of coffee, my Bible, devotional readings, and writing in my prayer journal. Six AM is quite early but I know if I don’t get up to accomplish my alone time with God before the kids get up, it most likely won’t get done that day. And in this time, I’m feeling the Spirit speak to me. I feel God calling me to do more. Some things have been laid on my heart but sometimes I doubt myself. Not necessarily in my ability to accomplish the calling, but rather is it the Spirit or my own desires. I’ve prayed for the Lord to show me confirmations so that I know it’s really Him. And I’m still waiting on those confirmations. But I believe in God’s ability to provide a way and guidance for whatever it is He wants from me. I know He has bigger and better things in store for me and my family. I recognize that these new opportunities (Trevor’s new job and my becoming a SAHM) are a God-thing to enable His calling on our lives. God makes a way for those He wants to use. I’m willing to be used in whatever capacity. I just have to step out in faith and say, “Here I am, God. What’s next?”

Side note:
A lady at my church loaned me the book What Happens When Women Say Yes to God by Lysa TerKeurst. This book is great so far – about halfway through it. But two sentences on page 72 have been on my heart since I read them. If this is all I take from this book, it was well worth it…

“God is using all your experiences, both good and bad, to develop your character to match your calling. After all, dear friend, you never know how God will use you until you let Him.”