The Busy Bird

"I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us." Romans 8:18

Let whatever you do be enough.

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Lately I’ve had “just one of those days” far too often. You know the days I’m talking about (especially moms)…

Those days where the laundry seems to be regenerating as you are working on the current load. Those days where it seems you have done two or three loads of dishes, somehow still have a nearly full dirty load in the dishwasher, and rogue bottles and sippy cups on the counter. Those days where the living room is a minefield of toys with boobie traps down the hall to a toy riddled bedroom. Those days where cooking dinner is the last thing on your agenda and Lunchables or raw hot dogs sound okay as legitimate meal options. And those days where bedtime doesn’t come quite quick enough. You know those days?

When I have these days it’s easy to feel defeated…like a failure…a disappointment…flat out overwhelmed. In those moments sometimes tears fall, I may be a little more snippy with the boys when they misbehave, and end up going over my to-do list that didn’t get accomplished instead of falling asleep. In these moments I always appreciate the hug and offering of help from my husband.

But I’ve got to learn that what I did accomplish for the day is okay. It’s enough. And when I do feel overwhelmed sometimes I just need to breathe and be reminded of where my strength comes from—God.

Psalm 61:2 “From the ends of the earth, I cry to You for help when my heart is overwhelmed. Lead me to the towering rock of safety…”

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